Chils running on track
Taking Action is Simple & Easy
Water is for everyone, fluoride is not
Isn't tap water great? Yes, but many of us can NOT drink it.

Locate your Councillor here or click on the 2nd green "here" button of "Letters to your Councillor"
1. Why NOT to have fluoridation: summary table of over 50 reasons
Click here for the reference text
Click here for the word document
Click here for the web page
2a. Letters to the Mayor
Click here for instructions
Click here for the Mayor's address
Click here for letters to him
2b. Ottawa Board ofHealth here
3. Letters to your Councillor
Click here for instructions
Click here for sample letters
Click here for the archive of letters to and addresses of Councillors
4. Letters to the Officers of Health: a) Dental, b) Medical (MOH/DOH)
Click here for instructions
Click here for the archive of letters to them. Standard Statements.
5. Letters to the Editor
Click here for instructions
Click here for letters written and sample letters to the editor
6. Start a petition to your Councillor
Click here for instructions
Click here for the web page
Click here to stop fluoridation,
here for a moratorium petition.
7. For Gilles Parent's PowerPoint of the January 27, 2011 meeting, click here, for it's YouTube video here and a brief description here. 8. Legal
Letter to a Lawyer. Click here
Sample resolution. Click here.
Jeff Green, LLB, San Diego Lawsuit
9. Letter to a Doctor

Click here for my write up on it,
and here for the letter's web page
10a. Letter to a Dentist
Click here for instructions
Click here for the web page
11. Articles for the Media

Click here for instructions
Click here for the web page
12. Get Infant Formula Fluoride Warning on Water Bills
Click here for instructions
Click here for the web page
13a. “Fluoridation-Free Ottawa” Brochures for Professionals
**Click here for how to use it**
Click here to download it.
13b. Human interest stories and useful communications
14. Brochure, Posters, postcards, leaflets, information cards
Click here for instructions and on the above words to get to the web page where you may also download some
15. YouTube Video of January 27, 2011, Public Meeting on fluoridation feat. Gilles Parent ND.A (Eau Secours) and Dr. Paul Connett, PhD (Fluoride Action Network)
Other selected videos
16. a) Where does it come from?
      b) Illnesses & Diseases
      c) 20 Questions no one is asking
      d) Media List media contacts
      e) NRC Canada Fluoride 1977
      e) Health Alert information card

to Fluoridation-Free Ottawa

Please go to the Ottawa Fluoridation Cessation ePetition, or this Avaaz one, sign them and get all of your friends who either live or work in Ottawa or visitors to sign it too. Post the link on your web page if you have one and on your own Facebook wall too. Thank you. Richard.

Directory of Canadians Opposed to Artificial Water Fluoridation

The Fluoride Debate rages on: 1941 - 1999. A CBC Documentary: Archive

While you're at it, please join our Fluoridation-Free Ottawa Facebook group. The more we are, the more pressure it puts on the City to dump this disastrous, outdated and dangerous practice. Just click here to go to our Facebook group. Thank you.

For references to health effects associated with ADWF (Artificial Drinking Water Fluoridation), please refer to our web page here

Consult these pages for more data for letter writing
10 Facts About fluoridation -
50 Reasons to Oppose Artificial Drinking Water
Fluoridation (ADWF) -
When did Ottawa Get Fluoridation? - 1965
EPA Scientists Oppose Fluoridation Why?
1. Why not to have fluoridation

Complete brief meeting summary Word document reflecting the meetings content. Also available as a web page. This document spells out over 40 detailed points that can be used in letters to the Mayor, City Councillors, the Ottawa Medical Officer of Health, the Ottawa Dental Officer of Health, media editors, articles for major and local newspapers, to doctors, dentists, and other professionals and to friends neighbours and relatives. If you have additional points that you can think of to add to those in the document, or a further breakdown or a rearrangement of the points covered, by all means do not hesitate to let me know so changes can be made a.s.a.p. Please let me know if you find any typing errors or errors of fact so I may verify and correct these.

2. Letters to the Mayor

You should write the same type of letter to the Mayor as to your Councillor, using the same tactics as for your Councillor. Click HERE for his contact information. Please CC your Councillor, at least, and even all other Councillors if you wish. Pressure, pressure! Click here to access the web page of letters already written.

3. Letters to your Councillor.

Write a letter to your City Councillor similar to the ones available on the web site. No need to be as verbose than the first sample, but it's important that you write to your Councillor to sensitize him to the problems associated with adding hydrofluorosilicic acid to our water supply. Tell your Councillor that you object to being medicated without your consent, without medical supervision and that this particular acid is an industrial contaminant that contains cancer causing and neurotoxic substances in it that should not be added to tap water after it's been purified. The email addresses and phone numbers of all City of Ottawa Councillors can be found by clicking here: City of Ottawa Councillors. If you don't know who your Councillor is, there's a link to a web page that allows you to enter your address and it will find who your Councillor is for you.

You can see a number of ready to use, unaddressed samples of letters by clicking here. These can be used as is or you are welcome to modify or improve on them as you wish. The important thing is that you write to your Councillor. Truth be known, a simple one line letter saying the following would be sufficient, but, our Councillors have been brainwashed to defer to the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) whenever fluoridation is questioned, even when you ask that this not be done and that you want a personal response only:

    “I want you to know that I am strongly opposed to the City adding hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoridation agent to our water supply and I would like you to present my objection to our City Council.”
The above sentence is simple, clear, to the point and asks for action to be taken. However, you are encouraged to say that you do not wish to receive the standard health statement sent to those objecting to fluoridation by adding two other sentences as mentioned above. This is also mentioned in the samples templates web page.
    Please do not send me the standard Medical or Dental Officer of Health Statement on fluoridation. I am asking for your personal response to my letter and a statement of your position whether opposed, undecided or in favor of using hydrofluorosilicic acid as a fluoridation agent in our water supply.

You can see already written copies of letters sent to Councillors showing what has been said and how it was said by clicking here. You are encouraged to imitate the general style and tone of these letters, but only respond at length to refute any erroneous claims made by the responder of your letter. Please be kind to whom you write, do not make accusations or assume that they are opposed to what you are proposing. Give them every opportunity to amend a bad decision that was made in 1965. Give them every opportunity to come on side.

Once all our Councillors are informed, there will be no turning back, and that's the point of writing to them: to inform them, bring them knowledge, to make them know of our objections to this foolish practice. We need to keep at it until this acid is no longer flowing in our water supply. Even if they neither read the content of our emails after receiving them nor even acknowledge them, they will still know that we are there asking for a change in this pathetic excuse for stopping tooth decay, because it does not work.

If you do not know who your Councillor is, you can click on any ward number of the letters to councillors, then click on the City Councillors link at the top of the left sidebar and then use the "Find Your Ward and Councillor" function on the top right corner of that web page to locate yours. You can modify the sample template letter you choose to your heart's desire using the above 40 plus points in the document, selecting your choice of topic and in your own words, preferably not the same as the sample(s). Be sure to put in your name, address etc and not mine.

The more of these we write the more we will get them to pay attention to this most important issue. You should send your letter by both email and by regular mail (snail mail). A written letter will often have a bigger impact and will confirm the email you have sent. The snail mail address is: City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue W, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 1J1. A phone call the next day after your email to find out if your Councillor has received and read your email, and 5 business days after mailing by regular mail to find out if your Councillor has received and read your letter are also strongly recommended.

Whatever you say, try to make it personal, make sure you ask your Councillor for his personal response to the points covered in your letter similar to the one in the samples. CC all Councillors and the Mayor once in a while to keep up the pressure.

4. Letter to Ottawa's Medical or Dental Officers of Health

Write a similar letter to Dr. Isra Levy, Ottawa's Medical Officer of Health, of record February16, 2011, or Dr. Vera Etches, of record: January 7, 2011, Ottawa Public Health Branch, and one to the Dental Officer of Health, Aaron Burry, of record: July 22, 2010, Ottawa Public Health Branch, using email and snail mail, mentioning that you are already aware of the standard statement issued by the Medical1 (or Dental2) Officers on the subject of ADWF but that you wish a personal response based on the information provided in your letter to him or her, then watch how they try to wiggle their way around that one. Click HERE for these letters. It's highly advisable to CC your own Councillor. This keeps up the pressure.

Ask him or her for at least 10 specific references to those several hundred recent publications they claim are available in actual support of ADWF. Ask if he or she has personally read any of the recent literature and scientific information against ADWF, giving 5 references of your choice from our web site and FAN's web site for references for him or her to look up some of this research. The only real overwhelming evidence that exists on Artificial Drinking Water Fluoridation is evidence of harm, fraud, deceit and misrepresentation.

We should no longer ascribe any credibility to individuals or their affirmations of support for ADWF, no matter how well qualified they may appear to be, or from whatever apparently prestigious organization(s) on behalf of whom they speak, or no matter how many designation letters they have after their name until they categorically affirm that hey have read the evidence we are presenting to them for them to agree to or refute. At this point in time, it is very safe to assume that they are far less well informed than we are about the ramifications of ingesting fluoride substances.

Follow up

Keep sending more emails and letters every other week to your Councillor, the Mayor, the MOH and the DOH with different arrangements of your original email and letter or even completely different ones from the 40 plus points available from the web site, or a recombination of any previous points covered in previous emails and letters.

If you are able to get anyone to agree to a meeting, let me know, I can probably arrange to meet the Councillor, Mayor, MOH or DOH or whomever with you.

Keep me posted of your efforts by email, CC to Mark, Linda and Lynn. Send me a copy of each email and letter you write for future reference and inclusion on the web site. It will be important to have all our efforts documented for future reference and action. It's also a great incentive for others to do the same.

5. Letters to the editor

Similar caveats to the above for writing to the editor. Click HERE for an excellent sample. Maybe you could set aside one day per week to write to the editors of our major and regional/local newspapers about the issue. From experience, in most cases it will take from 5 to 10 times of writing to these people before any one of your letters is ever published. The best tactic is to send the same letter with some factual items rewritten or augmented by references or some such modifications, showing that you are progressing in your knowledge and research on the issue. They seem to like that kind of approach.

6. Start a petition

There's a sample petition modified from one supplied by the Fluoride Free Portsmouth, U.S. group's Rick Horowitz. When you have the energy and time to do that kind of thing, I wouldn't mind working with you to gather names for your petition. The more pages get filled and presented to your Councillor the better. It could start a snowball effect starting with your City Councillor as a champion. Instead of sending it to me as suggested, just make sure you make a copy of the completed petition and I'd be glad to present it with you to your City Councillor.

It would be advisable to do a leaflet education blitz on a target population first, distributing a series of leaflets with basic information on the harm to health of fluoridation, the infringement on ethics, the lack of medical oversight, the lack of freedom of choice of medication, etc, two or three items per leaflet, the final one informs them that someone will be around to gather names and signatures for a petition to stop fluoridation, then do the actual petition itself. That way, people who would normally know nothing of the problems with this so-called health measure would be more open to sign the petition, or at least discuss it with us. This could also lessen time spent with those opposing the petition.

I constantly have this thought brought to my mind that people are not qualified medical practitioners as a group and can not vote to force a medication or prescribe one such as fluoride to others. Fluoride is not a nutrient such as a vitamin or essential mineral that can be added to bread, milk, or other food as an additive. Fluoride is in fact as poisonous substance as arsenic, led and mercury, especially in the form of hydrofluorosilicic acid, or whatever other synonym may be used.

It is clearly claimed that fluoride is meant to treat a diseased condition called tooth decay. This then factually and legaly defines fluoride as medication. Fluoride treats people, whereas chlorine treats the water to kill bacteria. It is actually illegal for non medical persons to prescribe medication, let alone administer it. People as voters or an administrative body such as a City Council can and should thus vote fluoridation out, but they can not legally vote it in. A vote in favor of implementing the drugging of other people is technically an illegal act. Will the courts uphold that technicality?

Click here to get a Word document of the petition form that you can download and print on your own printer.

Click here to view samples of leaflets in support of the petition that you can download and print on your own printer or bring to a photocopy place to make multiple copies. You can then distribute these door to door in your neighbouhood to educate people to the dangers of fluoridation.

By following this kind of educational effort with a petition, a number of things will happen. Some people will join our efort to get it out. Others will react with anger that we are attacking this "sacred cow" and attempt to block our efforts. Others will just stand back and leave well enough alone. But, we will get more participants in our efforts to stop this messy business. Plus, when we present our written petition with 100's of names on it, it will move your Councillor enough for him or her to take action one way or another.

7. Gilles Parent's January 27 PowerPoint and Meeting YouTube Video

This impressive PowerPoint presentation on the legal aspects of ADWF ties in perfectly with the battle to end this dreadful practice. It can be accessed HERE. It ties together the health, ethics, medical aspects and the illegalities involved. It's very simple to follow and will be even better grasped when you view the YouTube video of the January 27, 2011 meeting on the net HERE

8. Fluoride making you sick? Distribution card

This is a small distribution card printable in multiple copies per page, then cut up into individual cards that can be dropped on tables at food courts in shopping centres, professional's waiting room tables, and wherever people have to wait for whatever service they are seeking.

9. Letter to a Doctor

This is a difficult one to write. It's one I've written and re-written over a dozen times. I've had to consider what I've told him about the subject of artificial drinking water fluoridation, his bald faced, ribald reaction, his propensity to research things on the internet from his view of what is a reliable source, balancing all that and more with the fact that he did kind of poison me with what he thought were useful drugs to help alleviae the pain and suffering of my 17 year illness. He did nothing to cure it, but instead, hastened the inevitable outcome of a slow death by pharmaceutical products ingestion.

In the end, he finally had to acknowledge that I was somehow healing. Now I have taken a final step in attempting to convince of the need for de-fluoridating our City's water supply, that it's the right thing to do, and barring his getting on side, I will eventually be forced to seek another physician that will aknowledge my healing by natutal means, seeing how fluoridation had a hand in causing my illness, and eventually, how the elimination of fluoride substances from my diet had a powerful hand in healing my illness. So here's the letter that I wrote to him as testimony to the rightousness of our cause and to entice him to participate. Click here to view this letter.

Just like our City Councillors, this allopathic doctor has remained unresponsive to my email letter to him. How sad! However, where there is life, there is hope, and I hope that some day he will see the reality of the impact that fluoridation is having on his health, that of his family and and of his patients. I trust my hope is not in vain.

10. Letter to a Dentist

A letter needs to be written to send to individual dentists to inform them of the type of fluoride used in tap water, its toxicity, its source, citations, source documents included with the letter, what it can do to his and his patients' health and to ask for a meeting with with each target dentist.

11. Sample Media Articles

This is the exact article written by Clare Gallant, thank you Clare, back in September 2011. It's a very good piece that can now be updated with the new information available from the preceding documents and sent to the various local and major News media in Ottawa. I strongly recommend that you try your hand at this kind of writing and send it along as soon as possible. Again, as with letters to the editor, you may have to send many variations of the same article until one is finally picked up by each of the papers. Don't give up, just keep doing it. One will eventually get published in each paper some day. If you would like me to work with you on an article like the one Clare put together, I'll be pleased to to so. I'll make time. Click HERE for the article.

12. Infant Formula Warning on Water Bills

And, last but not least, one more thing. You should also write to your Councillor requesting that he/she sponsor a regulation to add a warning on the City's water bill statements against fluoride-treated water for infants under the age of 12 months in keeping with the U.S. ADA (American Dental Association), the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) and the APA (American Peadiatric Association) warnings about using fluoridated water for infants. The more people write to Councillors about this, the better chances we have of getting this done. Sample wording and suggested placement will be available. Click HERE for instructions on how to do this.

A pair of N.H. lawmakers have sponsored a bill that would require municipalities to send notice to residents about the fluoridation of their drinking water.

The legislation, known as House Bill 312, was scheduled to be heard by the House Health and Human Services Committee at 1 p.m. today in Concord.

Sponsored by Rep. Lars Christiansen, R-Hudson, and Rep. Kathy Souza, R-Manchester, the legislation would require "public water systems which provide fluoridation to place a warning on all billing statements against fluoride-treated water for infants under the age of 12 months."

If a public water supply contains fluoride, warning notices would be posted on all water system billing statements.

The statement would read: "Your public water supply is fluoridated. When feeding infants under 12 months of age, the American Dental Association and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that liquid concentrate or powdered infant formula be mixed with water that is fluoride-free. Consult your health care provider for more information."

The bill also stipulates that the warning notice be located in a "conspicuous and prominent place" on all billing statements and appear on a contrasting background.

Each character in the warning notice would also have to be in at least 10-point font, according to the proposed legislation.

If passed, the act would take effect 30 days after its passage.

13. “Fluoridation-Free Ottawa” Brochure for Professionals

This beautiful brochure is an original production by Linda Querel who allowed numerous revisions to bring it to its final fruition. It is available for download here and is meant to be distributed to a specific group of people as follows:

  1. Health facilities of all kinds
  2. Doctors and Physicians of all kinds (Family physicians, Ophthalmologists, etc.)
  3. Dentists - you'd be surprised how many actually disagree with fluoride use
  4. Physiotherapists
  5. Naturopath/Homeopath practitioners
  6. Holistic health or treatment centers or organizations
  7. Veterinarians (mention Cathy & Wayne Justus's Poisoned Horses and 4 dogs dying from fluoride low dose poisoning in Pagosa Springs, Colorado). Both Videos showing the events available at Horses VTS_02_1.mpg and; Horses VTS_02_2.mpg
  8. Health food stores
  9. Horticulturists - damage to and stunted or slow growth of plants watered with fluoridated water
  10. Seed distributors
  11. Vitamin, Supplements, spice and herb stores
  12. Weight watchers and other weight management organizations
  13. Private gyms (Fitness Warehouse in Orleans - I'm a customer, he accepted to read and notify people on his email list)
  14. Muscle, fitness & athletic training facilities (Good Life Fitness Centers, etc...)
  15. Any others you can think of ... let me know so I can stay informed/enlightened...
Please maintain a list and keep me posted as to where you will be distributing so we don't do the same areas unnecessarily. If you would like me to partner with you for distributing the brochure, let me know, I will be more than pleased to oblige, whether in my area or in yours.

Ok, that's all for now. As you can see, you've got lots of choices to act on. Take them one at a time, keep plugging away at your choice(s), writing until you get some forward motion. Don't let up. Eventually, you'll get some reaction from each of your targets. Keep me posted of the results that you get so we can develop a plan to conquer the minds and hearts of our City's officials who are slow to take up the challenge of eliminating ADWF.

14. Attention Getting and Recruiting Posters, Education Cards, Postcards & Leaflets

Locations where you can place posters. Use these as a starting point and add some as you determine new ones where you can place these posters. Click here to access the poster and leaflets selections.

public libraries — university libraries — community centres — universities — cafeterias, — coffee shops — doctors and dentists waiting rooms — barber shops — coffee houses — hospital notice boards — post office — chiropracter — local gyms, YMCA — bus stops, bus stations or shelters — train station — charity events — local fundraisers — community newspaper — art exhibits — mail rooms in apartment buildings — peoples mail boxes — coffee shops — print shops — deli shops — community newspapers — dentists offices — super markets — shopping malls — pools — conference centres — pharmacies — convenience stores — video stores — community health centres — church — adult education centres — cultural centres — dance studios — hardware stores — music stores — telephone poles — natural food stores (a good one) — nutritional programms — thrift stores — etc,

Click here for the brochure for distribution to profesionals and businessmen.

Click here to download a copy of distribution cards for education on health hazards. Click here for the web page version. These can be given out to people in malls, walking on any street, distributed to homes or mailed out to homeowners. In Ottawa, most appartments and all condominiums have security measures that force us to use the postal service to have these delivered to people in these households.

Click here for samples of leaflets to be mailed out or distributed to households. In Ottawa, most appartments and all condominiums have security measures that force us to use the postal service to have these delivered to people in these households.

Click here to download and print the postcards to be mailed to any Councillor. Minimum width has to be at least 6 inches, minimum height and 4 3/8 inches high. The main message is on page 1 which you print alone on your own card stock document, with the addressee space: that's one side. Then re-feed the document to print the background image on the other side of the document from page 3 only. Then re-feed the same side for printing and print only page 2 which overprints one single message over top of the background image. You can use this technique to print any number of messages and backgrounds on postcard thickness paper stock. If your card stock is 8 1/2 by 11 inches, you can re-feed the card from the opposite end, repeat the process and you can then get 2 postcards per sheet. Cut to size, address it to your Councillor, write in your return address, put a stamp on it and mail it out.

Fluoride and the possible effects of adjusting its level in drinking water is one of the most intensely researched areas of public health with several hundred recent publications. A number of recent, major reviews have been commissioned by governments around the world to examine the potential for adverse health effects related to fluoride (Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Canada). As part of our ongoing review, the Ottawa Public Health Department has reviewed these major studies. All concluded that water fluoridation is a safe and effective method of reducing decay at all stages of life. Despite claims to the contrary, they all confirmed that there is no credible scientific evidence to suggest adverse health effects related to water fluoridation.

Water fluoridation is endorsed by all reputable health organizations including the World Health Organization and Canada’s national agency, Health Canada. In 2007, Health Canada released the Findings and Recommendations of the Fluoride Expert Panel, which are accessible at:

Further, specifically related to Ontario, the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) approved a policy that supports the addition of fluoride to drinking water following extensive research on the issue. “Ontario’s doctors want their patients to know that the process of adding fluoride to our drinking water in Ontario has been and is safe” said Dr. MacLeod, President of the OMA. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, a great deal of anecdotal information continues to circulate. Detailed review of this information has shown that it is not based on scientific or thorough research and only selectively or partially examines the issue.

The City of Ottawa follows the Health Canada recommendations to establish a level of 0.7 mg/L as the optimal target concentration for fluoride in drinking water, which would prevent excessive intake of fluoride through multiple sources of exposure. Many natural water sources in the Ottawa area and some bottled waters, contain higher levels of fluoride than Ottawa’s drinking water. Fluoride exposure from drinking water generally represents 50% or less of the total daily exposure. Individuals who wish to limit their exposure to fluoride have opportunities to do so. In addition to avoiding tea that is high in natural fluoride, reverse osmosis filtration systems that further remove minerals, etc. from drinking water are readily available in the market place.

On January 8, 2011, this person answered for the Ottawa MOH (Medical Officer of Health)

Dr. Vera Etches, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC,
Acting Medical Officer of Health
Associate Medical Officer of Health and Manager of Clinical Programs Branch
Ottawa Public Health Branch

However, our Mayor, Mr Watson affirmed that our MOH is Dr. Isra Levy, in a response to me on
February 9, 2011, on information I sent to him about fluoridation.
He says that Dr. Levy can be reached at 613-580-6744 ext. 23681 or email
From: "Piamonte, Vickie"
To: ""
Cc: "Levy, Isra" "Tierney, Timothy">
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 3:55:30 PM
Subject: Inquiry: Fluoridation of Ottawa's Water supply

Sent on behalf of M. Rick O'Connor, City Clerk and Solicitor
De la part de M. Rick O'Connor, Greffier et Chef du contentieux

Mr. Hudon,

I have now had an opportunity to review the above-noted matter with Dr. Isra Levy, Medical Officer of Health and I can confirm the following.

I am advised that

... new and slightly modified standard statement made to fit Mr. O'Connor's letter to me.

I have confirmed that in this specific matter, the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s recommendations are in line with the recommendations of the Ottawa’s Chief Dental Officer and the Provincial Chief MOH, as well as Health Canada and the World Health Organization.

I trust that these comments are of assistance in this regard.

From: Richard Hudon []
Sent: March 27, 2012 5:34 PM
To: O'Connor, M. Rick
Cc: Piamonte, Vickie; Levy, Isra; Tierney, Timothy
Subject: SUSPECT: Re: Inquiry: Fluoridation of Ottawa's Water supply

Dear Mr O'Connor,

My questions have NOT been answered. Why?

A proper formal response to this most tenuous reply is forthcoming.

Richard in Ottawa

From: "O'Connor, M. Rick" <>
To: 'Richard Hudon' <>
Cc: "Piamonte, Vickie" <>; "Levy, Isra" <>; "Tierney, Timothy" <>
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 8:53:17 AM Subject: RE: Inquiry: Fluoridation of Ottawa's Water supply

Mr. Hudon,

In your earlier e-mail, the specific question to me was as follows: “Could [I] please prevail upon the MOH to respond directly and lucidly to the two questions?” Subsequently, you conclude that your “questions have NOT been answered” and pose the additional question, “WHY?”

As evidenced in my detailed response below, I worked directly with Dr. Levy and his staff to provide the information given on this matter. That said, the Medical Officer of Health is a statutory position under the Health Protection and Promotion Act and, as such, I have no further ability “to prevail upon the MOH” in this matter.

I trust that this answers your latest inquiry, “WHY?”


M. Rick O'Connor, CMO

Certified Specialist (Municipal Law: Local Government)
City Clerk and Solicitor
City of Ottawa
(613) 580-2424 (Ext. 21215)
(613) 560-1383 (fax)

to Fluoridation-Free Ottawa

New improved version of the above statement.
Received Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Fluoride and the possible effects of adjusting its level in drinking water is one of the most intensely researched areas of public health with several hundred recent publications. A number of recent, major studies have examined the potential for adverse health effects related to fluoride. Ottawa Public Health has reviewed these major studies. All concluded that water fluoridation is a safe and effective method of reducing dental decay at all stages of life. Despite claims to the contrary, they all confirmed that there is no credible scientific evidence to suggest adverse health effects related to water fluoridation.

Water fluoridation is endorsed by all reputable health organizations including the World Health Organization and Canada's national agency, Health Canada. In addition, Health Canada's Chief Dental Officer, Dr. Peter Cooney has credited the practice as an equitable approach to dental health by stating, "The big advantage of water fluoridation is that it benefits all residents in a community, regardless of age, socioeconomic status, education, or employment."

In 2010, Health Canada completed an extensive review of the health risks associated with fluoride in drinking water. The results of this review are summarized in Health Canada's Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality: Guideline Technical Document which is accessible at: . Further, specifically related to Ontario, the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) approved a policy that supports the addition of fluoride to drinking water following extensive research on the issue. In spite of the overwhelming evidence, a great deal of anecdotal information continues to circulate. Detailed review of this information has shown that it is not based on scientific or thorough research and only selectively or partially examines the issue.

The City of Ottawa follows the Health Canada recommendations to establish a level of 0.7 mg/L as the optimal target concentration for fluoride in drinking water, which would prevent excessive intake of fluoride through multiple sources of exposure. In addition, the Medical Officer of Health follows the Protocol for the Monitoring of Community Water Fluoride Levels under the Ontario Public Health Standards by reviewing reports on Ottawa's drinking water supply. Many natural water sources in the Ottawa area and some bottled waters, contain higher levels of fluoride than Ottawa's drinking water. Fluoride exposure from drinking water generally represents 50% or less of the total daily exposure. Individuals who wish to limit their exposure to fluoride have opportunities to do so. In addition to avoiding tea that is high in natural fluoride, reverse osmosis filtration systems that further remove minerals, etc. from drinking water are readily available in the market place.

A response to this thing can be found here:

Thank you for your inquiry and request for information on the City's awareness and position on the research conducted around water fluoridation.

Fluoride and the possible effects of adjusting its level in drinking water is one of the most intensely researched areas of public health with several hundred recent publications. A number of recent, major reviews have been commissioned by governments around the world to examine the potential for adverse health effects related to fluoride (Australia, United Kingdom, United States, Canada). As part of our ongoing review, the Ottawa Public Health Department has reviewed these major studies. All concluded that water fluoridation is a safe and effective method of reducing decay at all stages of life. Despite claims to the contrary, they all confirmed that there is no credible scientific evidence to suggest adverse health effects related to water fluoridation.

Water fluoridation is endorsed by all reputable health organizations including the World Health Organization and Canada’s national agency, Health Canada. In 2007 Health Canada released the Findings and Recommendations of the Fluoride Expert Panel In spite of the overwhelming evidence, a great deal of anecdotal information continues to circulate. Detailed review of this information has shown that it is not based on scientific or thorough research and only selectively or partially examines the issue.

As of January 28, 2011

Aaron Burry
Dental Officer of Health
Ottawa Public Health Branch

to Fluoridation-Free Ottawa